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Kereru Assembly 16.6

16 June 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, After morning tea, the Kereru Hub were the first of the 3 hubs to enjoy their fortnightly get together for assembly in the hall! Rithvik and Hayley were our wonderful co presenters for today and did a great job coordinating the events! We said a karakia and then sang the...

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A Lovely Start to the Term for the Pumpkin Patch

17 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Our gorgeous tamariki in the Pumpkin Patch and Room 9a had a lovely surprise today just after they went out for their daily morning nature walk, meeting a newborn lamb! sitting in a circle under the whakaruruhau, groups of 4-5 tamariki who wished to do so, were allowed to get...

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Winding down at the End of the First Week of Term 3!

21 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, The first week of Term 3 has certainly gone by very quickly and here we are getting ready to wind down during the last day of the school week! The resident whakaahua decided to get some fly-on-the-wall captures of the tamariki enjoying a very chilled day!

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Kopara Assembly 26.7

26 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, This afternoon Ruma ono, whitu, tekau mā tahi, and tekau mā rua of the Kopara Hub celebrated their first assembly for Term 3. After singing and signing the National Anthem, Mrs Poole presented both the Principal & ākonga awards as well as handing out a special award to Hayden from...

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Waterpolo Action 9.8

9 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Both our Waterpolo teams were in action at the pool this afternoon. Here are some photos below of their games!

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Ngahere Hub Assembly

11 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Our most senior and our junior hubs were enjoying their assemblies at the same time so it was a bit of a juggle capturing the moments for the resident whakaahua! Ethan & Addison were our wonderful co-presenters for the Ngahere assembly which took place in the hall. Apart from coordinating...

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Horoeka Hub Assembly

11 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, The resident whakaahua dropped in just in time to see our lovely tamariki in the Horoeka Hub sing along and practice signing to the National anthem. Ka pai to the student who received certificates today!

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Ngahere Hub Assembly 21.8

21 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, As our most senior Hub did not have their weekly assembly at the end of last week, they had a catch up this morning first thing to kick off Week 6. Our wonderful co-presenters this week were Thea and Joe (who stepped in at very short notice!) and they did...

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Kopara Hub Assembly this Afternoon

23 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Our Kopara Hub enjoyed their usual fortnightly assembly in Room 12 this afternoon but with a difference! We were delighted to see that there were 2 wonderful ākonga from Room 6, Morgan & James co-presenting this particular assembly. They did a fantastic job as co-presenters speaking with clear voices and...

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Pottery Fun for our Younger Tamariki

24 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, A few weeks ago we shared some photos of the older ākonga having a great time at their pottery sessions. The younger tamariki also got to have their turn with guest potter, Magrita Freie . Here are some fly on-the-wall photos of Rooms 6, 7, 8, 9, 9a, and 10...

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Ngahere Hub Assembly

25 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, It was a quick run for the resident photographer between the Ngahere & Horoeka Hubs who were both enjoying their time together in their assemblies! The Ngahere Hub were gathered together in the hall for their second assembly this week (the one at the beginning of the week was a...

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Horoeka Hub Assembly

25 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Our lovely tamariki in the Horoeka Hub were the last to have their assembly in Room 9a just before lunch! Our Ruma 9a hosts were all in pj’s (as they were celebrating a dojo milestone so were having a pj party!) Mrs Poole once again was so happy to pop...

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Ngahere Hub Assembly this Morning

1 September 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Our most senior ākonga celebrated their weekly assembly this morning in the hall. The very experienced duo of Lucy and Aysha were our co-presenters  and as usual did a fantastic mahi of coordinating the items which were included in this assembly. Mrs Boese very happily presented the Tumuaki awards whilst...

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Ngahere Hub Assembly

8 September 2023

Malo e lelei’ As it was such a lovely day our most senior Hub held their weekly assembly under the whakaruruhau just before lunch! Our very capable copresenters for this assembly were Nadine and Harlon from Ruma tekau mā rima and did a wondeful mahi. Mrs Poole was on hand to present the Tumuaki awards...

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Kopara Assembly this Afternoon

13 September 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Our wonderful Kopara Hub came together this afternoon in Ruma tekau mā rua for their assembly (postponed from last week!) Our very able co presenters for this assembly were Connor and Skylah from Ruma tekau mā tahe and they did a fantastic job of coordinating all the items included! Apart...

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Ngahere Assembly 15.9

16 September 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, During the very busy but enjoyable day, our wonderful senior ākonga came together in the hall for their weekly assembly. It was lovely to see so many of our tamariki make such an effort to dress up for ‘Star’ Day! Our very capable presenters for this particular assembly were Rosie...

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A bit of Turbo Touch!

19 September 2023

Kia ora e te whānau,Ruma whitu in these last weeks of the term have been trying their skills with the oval ball, throwing, catching passing and tapping. They have just started to try a new team game called Turbo Touch. Here are a few photos of them having a game yesterday and thoroughly enjoying themselves!

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A Visit to the Dowse

21 September 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, On Tuesday 19th September Kōpara Hub took an exciting trip on the bus to The Dowse in Lower Hutt. We looked at the artworks from NZ artist, Raukura Turei who uses whenua from places connected to her whakapapa to create amazing art. The children created some of their own artworks...

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Ngahere Assembly/Waiata Singing

28 April 2023

Kia ora o te whānau,There was just one assembly to finish off the first short week of Term 1! A bit of a change this term for our Ngahere Hub as they will now be incorporating the assembly with singing waiata! The tamariki got to sing the ones they knew as well as some that...

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Ngahere & Kereru Assemblies

5 May 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, As the two senior hubs were having their end of week assemblies at the same time, here are a mixed bag of photos taken at both! Acting Tumuaki Mrs Boese was on hand to present the Principal awards, there were also ākonga awards too. Apart from the celebration of success...

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