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Out on their Wheels!

18 March 2022

Room’s 1 & 2 spent some down time outside on wheels during part of the middle block! Some had brought along their scooters and were happily doing circuits around the forecourt. For those that wanted to cycle, they either had their own bikes or used the school ones! Early next week, a notice will go...

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A Song off between the 2 Senior Hubs!

18 March 2022

After morning tea, the fly-on-the-wall photographer happened to to capture a ‘sing off’ between Room’s 3 & 4 and 14 & 15 as they went through the repertoire of some of the waiata that they have been learning during their years at Tawhai Kura!

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Fun with Autumn Leaves!

4 May 2022

Room 12 had a much welcome short break from this morning’s mahi and went outside to enjoy a bit of fresh air and the delights of the beautiful array of Autumn leaves that have fallen everywhere in the grounds! Even Miss Duffy had a go at being buried in them!

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Ngā Manu Assembly!

27 May 2022

Kia ora e te whānau It was a wonderful day for our Ngā Manu tamariki as they got to enjoy their first assembly for the year under the canopy this morning! Ella & Brydon did a fantastic job as co-presenters for this assembly. Mr Whiteman was very proud to present the Principal Awards and Ella...

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A Much-Welcomed Wellbeing Time!

27 May 2022

After a busy week with lots of mahi, Ruma tekau mā tahi and tekau mā rua were very happy to enjoy some well-earned wellbeing time together! Here are a few photos of them drawing, playing games, building or being creative with cardboard boxes!

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Year 5 imovie Fun!

29 June 2022

Kia ora e te whānau Whilst our Year 6 spent the morning at Avalon Intermediate, the Year 5 tamariki had a great morning making imovies using the 4 Tawhai Kura values, respect, responsibility, integrity, and resilience! After an instructional video on how to create the movies, they got themselves into groups of 2 up to...

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A Visit to the Veggie Garden!

23 November 2022

Kia ora e te whanau Some of our younger tamariki were lucky enough today to visit the veggie garden & orchid where Farmer Paul and the Enviro Tu Rangatira have been working very hard! The resident Whakaahua happened to be passing by (with her camera) when Room 8 had a turn so managed capture a...

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Kopara Hub Assembly

8 February 2023

Kia ora e te whānau This afternoon the Kopara Hub (Rooms 6, 7, 11, & 12) came together in Room 12 for their second assembly of Term 1. Certificates are given out every other week so today was the day for awards for this particular hub. Tumuaki Mrs Poole was proud to hand out the...

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Ngahere Hub Certificates 10.2

10 February 2023

Kiā ora e te whānau As the Kereru Hub were having their assembly at the same time, the  resident whakaahua found it a bit tricky to be at both assemblies, but managed to catch up with the ākonga who were given either Principal or Student awards. Ka pai! Mrs Johnston was also a very happy...

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Horoeka Hub Assembly 10.2

10 February 2023

Kiā ora e te whānau It was so lovely to be able to catch up with our gorgeous tamariki in the Horoeka Hub as they celebrated their first assembly of the year in Ruma 9a! After singing and signing the National Anthem, Mrs Poole popped in to proudly give out the Principal Awards. All the...

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Ngahere Hug Assembly 17.2

17 February 2023

Kia ora e te whānau The 3rd week has certainly rolled by very quickly hasn’t it? Today our most senior Hub, Ngahere (Ruma Tahi, Toru & Whāhad their weekly assembly in the hall this morning! Our wonderful assembly co-presenters this morning were Kora and Charlie. Mrs Boese was very happy to step in to in...

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Kopara Hub Assembly 22.2

22 February 2023

This afternoon it was the turn of Kopara Hub to have their fortnightly assembly in Ruma 12. After singing and signing to the National Anthem, Mrs Boese, in Tumuaki Mrs Poole’s absence, was very pleased to hand out the Principal’s award. Hub Leader Mrs Lynley Poole presented the Student awards. The tamariki also got to...

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Ngahere & Kereru Assemblies 24.2

24 February 2023

Kia ora e te whānau As our Ngahere & Kereru Hubs were having certificate assemblies at the same time today, the resident Whakaahua decided that she would have a go at flitting between the 2 hubs today to capture what she could! Our co-presenters for Kereru were Tyler and Izzy and the Ngahere hosts were...

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Kopara Hub Assembly 8.3

8 March 2023

Kiā ora e te whānau Kopara Hub’s gathering in Room 12 marked the first of the 4 certificated assemblies this week. Tumuaki, Mrs Poole was very happy to be on hand this afternoon to present the Principals Awards and Hub Leader Mrs Lynley Poole the ākonga certificates. Apart from singing and signing to the National...

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Ngahere & Kereru Hub Assemblies!

10 March 2023

Kiā ora e te whānau Our Ngahere & Kereru Hubs were having certificate assemblies at the same time today, Kereru in the  hall and the Ngahere under the whareruruhau, so it was a bit of a mad dash between the two so that resident Whakaahua could capture the wonderful moments! In the absence of Tumuaki...

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Kopara Assembly 22.3

22 March 2023

Kia ora e te whānau The Kopara Hub was the first of the 4 Hubs to have their certificated assembly this week! Our lovely tamariki started off the assembly with singing and signing to the National Anthem. Everyone noticed how beautifully it was sung and one of our ākonga, Rozcen absolutely put his whole heart...

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Ngahere & Kereru Assemblies

25 March 2023

Kia ora e te whānau The Ngahere & Kereru Assemblies kicked off what turned out to be a busy but totally awesome day for our Tawhai Whanau. Jayah & Reed from Ruma Tahi and Reece and Dylan from Ruma Toru were the co-presenters for their respective assemblies and did a wonderful job making them go...

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Horoeka Hub Assembly

25 March 2023

The last of our assemblies for the week were the gorgeous tamariki from the Horoeka Hub were in Ruma Tekau. Mrs Poole happily popped in to present the Principal awards and Farmer B handed out the Student awards. The tamariki sang along beautifully to a favourite tune, Le Aute. We had several lucky tamariki win...

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Cross Country Training

5 May 2023

Cross Country Training! Kia ora o te whānau, The resident whakaahua just had to check out how some of our tamariki are going on the track in readiness for the much anticipated annual Cross Country next Wednesday! It was lovely to capture some of the classes really putting in the mahi to better their times...

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Kōpara Hub Assembly 17.5

17 May 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, This afternoon the Kōpara Hub gathered together for their fortnightly assembly in Room. We had the usual Principal Awards which Mrs Boese dropped in to present and Hub Leader Mrs Poole did the honours with the Student Awards. Ka pai to those who received certificates! As Pink Shirt Day is...

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