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6 April 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, The whole of Tawhai Kura came together this morning to hold a poroporoaki to say goodbye to two of our kaiako, Mrs Tucker and Miss Whitworth and several ākonga. Mr Whiteman began the poroporoaki by giving a whaikōrero ( a welcome and explaination of why everyone was at the assembly)....

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Behaviour Information

Behaviour Management Strategy Tawhai is a PB4L ( positive behaviour for learning ) School, where positive behaviours and attitudes towards learning are achieved through a school-wide approach. For more information please click on the link from the Ministry of Education: PB4L.  The Tawhai School Values programme aims to ensure that our school culture is one where:...

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Movin’ March!

March 1 2023

We’re proud to be a Movin’March school and this week we’re looking forward to seeing whānau and students walking or wheeling to or from school. Walking, biking and scooting is a great way to improve well-being, kick start learning for the day and it’s also great for the planet! Don’t forget your WOW Passport so...

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Values Assembly

30 June 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Early this morning our Tawhai Kura came together under the whakaruruhau to celebrate a special Values assembly. This is to acknowledge those students who consistently show their best Tawhai kura values. The teachers selected one child from their class and the chosen student was presented with a special T-shirt and...

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Anxiety Education Evening

1 September 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Anxiety can show up and impact our young people and whānau ina variety of ways.If you would like to learn more about anxiety and how best tosupport your child, please join Shelley at this community eventpresented by the amazing folk from Atareira Trust. For more details either click on the...

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4 September 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, The PTSG will be having their monthly hui in the staffroom on Wednesday 6th September at 7,00pm. If any of our Tawhai Whānau have some spare time, and would like to help this wonderful group, please come along. You will be very warmly welcome!

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Footsteps Dance: Week 7!

7 September 2023

Malo e lelei’ Our wonderful Tamariki has just completed their seventh week of dance sessions with Harika. The lessons allow the ākonga to explore fundamental movement skills as well as developing balance, coordination, and body awareness. They have also been introduced to the 5 elements of dance which are space, time, energy, relationships, body awareness...

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Tawhai ‘Star’ Dress Up Day

7 September 2023

Malo e lelei’ To celebrate the launch of our New ‘Tawhai Stars’, the whole kura will be dressing up as stars next Friday 15th September. You can be a rockstar, pop star, movie star, TV star, comic star, book star, or even a sports star! (No scary or inappropriate costumes please!) There will be Hub...

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Pizza Lunch Next Friday

27 May 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, Our wonderful PTSG committee are organising our once a term pizza lunch which will be taking place next Friday 2nd June. This post has gone out at the weekend as Kindo has been opened to receive orders now.  The choices on offer are: pepperoni, ham & cheese, cheesy garlic, and cheese, all...

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NZEI Primary Teachers’ Paid Union Meeting

28 May 2023

Kia ora e te whānau   My apologies for the short notice but we have just recently been informed by the NZEI Primary Teachers’ Union of Paid Union Meetings (PUM) happening for all primary schools across the Hutt Valley on Wednesday 31 May.  As a condition of their employment contract with the Government, primary teachers have...

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Updating Kindo Account

14 June 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, The PTSG have noticed that a few Kindo accounts need to be updated with the correct classroom for their child/children. Please could you update this before the end of term Gate Combo. Attached is a pdf document and image of instructions on how to do this. Should you need more...

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Last Request for Food Items

29 June 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, A BIG thank you to all our Tawhai whānau who have already donated food items for Stokes Valley Foodbank, Mario’s Pantry and the Koraunui Marae. If you would like to donate an item, please send in with your tamariki so they can give it to their kaiako. We will deliver...

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Regional Cross Country News

2 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Our 3 amazing ākonga, Madison, Isaac, and Joel have really done themselves, their whānau, and their kura proud with their fabulous results from their races, at the Regional Cross Country Event which was held at the Solway Showgrounds in Masterton yesterday. Here are the results as follows: Madison, 14th in...

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Welcome Back! Term 3 Week 1 News Update

17 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, A very warm welcome back to all our tamariki. We hope you have had a wonderful holiday and are well rested! To view the latest Tawhai Kura news updates and events coming up, please click on the pdf document below: Term-3-Week-1-News-Update

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Scouts National Scarf Day!

1 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Today is National Scouts Scarf Day! This day is all about encouraging all active and former scouts to wear their scout scarves in public to make the “Spirit of Scouting” visible: Once a Scout – Always a Scout! The date of the event commemorates the very first Scout Camp on...

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PTSG Newsletter Term 3

14 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Attached is the latest newsletter from our wonderful Committee letting you know what’s happening in Term 3!

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Teacher Only Day

16 October 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that it will be Teacher Only Day this coming Friday 20th October and our Kura will be closed that day. Thank you!

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Christmas Parade 2023

We were definitely blessed with the weather for the very much anticipated  annual Stokes Valley Christmas Parade on Saturday! It was an early start for our merry band of staff who pitched up  to dress the truck with some amazing pictures (the artwork created by Mrs Dorgan was really exquisite!) a Christmas tree, presents, and...

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Calendar Art Notices Out Today

27 October 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, At the end of last term and the beginning of Term 4 the tamariki have been busy doing some great artwork for the PTSG Calendar Fundraiser. Today they will be given a calendar notice to take home which includes their name & own unique code at the bottom of the...

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Term 4 PTSG Newsletter

30 October 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Here is the latest newsletter for Term 4 from our wonderful PTSG Committee.

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