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Ngahere Hub Assembly

19 May 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, Ngahere Hub were next up to have their assembly in the hall. Taylor and Saanvi were our amazing co-presenters today! Mrs Boese popped in again to present the Principal Awards (there were a few more than usual today as some had been away for provious presentations) and Taylor and Saanvi...

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Ngahere Hub Assembly & Waiata Singing

26 May 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, The Ngahere Hub came together in the hall to enjoy their usual weekly assembly and waiata singing this morning to cap off the end of week 5, we are halfway through the term already! Our wonderful co-presenters this week were Aysha & Caela from Ruma tekau mā whā and they...

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Kopara Hub Assembly

31 May 2023

Kia ora o te whānau,As the tamariki would be going home at lunchtime, the fortnightly Kopara Hub assembly took place after morning tea today!After singing and signing of the National Anthem, Acting Tumuaki, Mrs Boese came in to present the Principal’s Awards, and Mrs Poole did the honours with the Student Certificates. The tamariki sang...

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Horoeka Hub Assembly 2.6

2 June 2023

Tālofa lava, Lastly it was the turn of our gorgeous tamaiti in the Horoeka Hub to have their fortnightly assembly before lunch! Mrs Boese was able to pop in to proudly hand out the Principal Awards and Miss Sissons did the honours with the student awards. Ka pai to the awards winners. We had some...

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Ngahere Hub Assembly 9.6

9 June 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, The Ngahere Hub gathered together after morning tea today to for their weekly assembly, capping off another busy week in the kura! Our wonderful co-presenters this week were Zac and Jackson who did a splendid job co-ordinating the assembly. We sang the National anthem as well as our kura song!...

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Kopara Hub Assembly 14.6

14 June 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, Today the Kopara Hub came together in Room 12, for the first of the 4 Hub assemblies for week 8. As acting Tumuaki Mrs Boese could not be at the assembly, Mrs Poole was very happy to present both the Principal and Student awards. Ka pai to those ākonga who...

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Horoeka Assembly 16.6

16 June 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, Finally it was our gorgeous tamariki in the Horoeka Hub to gather together in Room 9a for the last assembly of the week! Mrs Boese happily came in to present the Principal awards and Birthday girl, Farmer Paige handed out the ākonga certificates. (Happy Birthday Paige!) Ka pai to those...

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Using the Science Kits in Room 7

26 June 2023

Most Mondays, (occasionally a Tuesday) Room 7 adapt their timetable and squeeze in a session with the “Science Kit”. We work together with a buddy to experiment with a range of equipment on a variety of topics: Bee Bots, Magnetic Madness, Simple Machines, Sweet & Sour, and What do you Think? The aim is to encourage an...

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Ngahere Hub Assembly

21 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Here we are already at the end of the first week of Term 3! This morning our most senior Hub celebrated their first assembly of the term. We had two very capable co-presenters in Heidi & Hunter from Ruma tekau mā whā who did a wonderful job coordinating the assembly....

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A Fun Moment!

26 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Ruma tekau mā rua had a wee bit of time until assembly and knowing that the tamariki would have a half hour of sitting still, our intrepid Kaiako Mrs Poole decided that a movement game was in order. The tamariki had so much fun that by the time they had...

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Kereru Hub Assembly

28 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, Kereru Hub were the first to kick with their fortnightly assembly this morning in the hall. Our very able co-presenters were Rhiannon and Keegan from Ruma whā who did a wonderful job coordinating the action packed assembly. Tumuaki, Mrs Poole was so happy, after being away on sabatical during Term...

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Ngahere Hub Assembly

28 July 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, As there was another assembly happening at the same time, it was a quick drop into the Ngahere Hub assembly for the resident whakaahua. Jasper & Paige from Ruma tekau mā rima were our wonderful copresenters for this assembly. Mrs Poole dropped in to proudly present the tumuaki awards and...

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Ngahere Hub 4.8

4 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, We had just the one assembly for Week 3, our most senior ākonga the Ngahere Hub! Our wonderful co-presenters for this particular one was Harper & Maddox from Ruma Rua who did a great mahi coordinating the event. Mrs Poole popped in to present the Principal awards whilst Harper &...

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Data Detectives

4 August 2023

Kia or e te whānau, Room 11 had their detective hats on this morning as they divided up in several groups and headed off to designated classrooms to find out what Tawhai Kura’s favourite foods are. They did their counting using tally marks. When they returned to the classroom they handed over their information to...

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Kopara Assembly 9.8

9 August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau, This afternoon our wonderful tamariki in the Kopara Hub gathered together for their fortnightly assembly in Room 12. They started off by singing and signing to the National anthem. Mrs Poole was on hand for the first time since she has been away in Term 2, to carry out her...

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Tiniball Action!

16 June 2023

Kia ora o te Whānau, It was down to the Walter Nash Stadium for the resident whakaahua to capture our younger tamariki, the Tawhai Keas in action against Belmont this afternoon! The Keas tried so hard and had some good runs with the ball, but Belmont were on fire with their shots on goal (some...

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The Sweet Smell of Success of the Bake Sale!

23 June 2023

Kia ora o te whānau, What an amazing array of cakes, slices, biscuits and sweet treats turned up at the kura this morning of the camp fundaising bake sale! The tables in the hall were absolutely groaning all thanks to the generosity of the whānau of the tamariki who will be going away to camp...

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Welcome to 2024

29 January 2024

Welcome back! We hope you had a fantastic holiday filled with joy and memorable moments. As we start the new year, we’re excited to have our Tawhai School community back together. Our dedicated kaiako have been hard at work, preparing for a year the year ahead.They are eager to welcome ākonga back into the classrooms...

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10 June 2024

Kia ora e te whānau, To find out when UHub opens, please click on the link below:

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