Celebrating Success!
Tawhai School regularly celebrates success and achievement amongst it’s young people to build self-esteem and promote desirable behaviour and attitudes.
Here at Tawhai School we regularly celebrate success and achievement to build self-esteem and to promote examples of desirable behaviours and attitudes. Success can be viewed as someone demonstrating any one of the following:
Tawhai Values
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Resilience
- Integrity
NZ Curriculum Key Competencies
- Thinking
- Using language, symbols and texts
- Managing self
- Relating to others
- Participating and contributing

Success at Tawhai
Success is celebrated in a variety of ways.
- Fast and frequent rewards e.g class dojos, Tawhai Stars, positive praise
- Principal awards
Presented fortnightly at hub assemblies. Teachers select one student each who has achieved success in any one of the values/key competencies throughout the week. - Student awards
Presented weekly at hub assemblies. Students select a class member who they feel has best demonstrated one or more of the school schools values.
Assemblies also provide opportunities for students to share examples of their work, recognize academic achievements, acknowledge student leaders, success in sport or the arts.
Teachers can also send students to share work with the principal and often receive a special ‘Principals’ sticker for their efforts.
The school website is used to celebrate and promote examples of student success through the classroom blogs and news updates

End of Year Assembly
An end of year Assembly is held in term 4 and acknowledges student achievements throughout the year with trophies and certificates.
Top Student Trophies
Presented to the top Year 4 and Year 5 student.
Year 4 and Year 5 Certificates
Presented to one student per year group for:
Year 5 Values Certificates
Presented to one male and one female student for:
Year 6 Leavers’ Dinner
An end of year formal function, held in term 4, acknowledges the achievements of our Year 6 students with certificates and trophies.
Values Certificates
Presented to one male and one female student for:
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Sports Girl of the Year
Sports Boy of the Year
Cultural Award
Cultural Leadership/Kapa Haka
Principal’s Award
Top Year 6 Student
Student of the Year