Term 1 Week 3 News Update
Kia ora e te whānau, To view the latest Tawhai Kura news, please click on the pdf document below:
Kia ora e te whānau, To view the latest Tawhai Kura news, please click on the pdf document below:
Kia ora e te whānau, A BIG thank you to Shelley Dalton for taking and sharing these wonderful captures of some of our tamariki having some very creative moments at playtime with the wooden blocks yesterday! Ka pai tamariki!
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that Kindo is still open for registration for touch, and floorball but will be closing off tomorrow. Please click on the link below if you wish to register your tamariki. https://shop.tgcl.co.nz/shop/index.html Thank you, Renee Saul Sports coordinator
Kia ora e te whānau, Our kura were very blessed on Thursday when a very colourful and chatty visitor came to visit! A BIG thank you to Farmer Paul for sharing these fantastic photos of him with some of our tamariki who were just as thrilled to see him as he was to be there!
Kia ora e te whānau, Luckily the threat of rain held off this afternoon and we ended up with a fantastic turnout of Tawhai families who came down to the picnic armed with their blankets and some yummy pizzas, fish and chips, or other takeaway kai! It was also lovely to catch up with some…
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a wee reminder to our lovely Tawhai families that the annual Whānau picnic will be taking place this evening from 5.00-6.30pm, So grab a picnic basket or a takeway, a rug or two, and come and join us at the kura for an hour or so of food, fun,…
Kia ora e te whānau, All the tamariki will have brought home today a paper copy of the PDF attachment of this week’s newsletter. As we are no longer using Educa as our main communication platform, we would like to conect with our Tawhai whānau via email. Any school wide news will also be posted…
Kia ora e te whānau, What a beautiful day to have our first Mihi Whakatau for the year! Our Senior ākonga Frankie and Thea welcomed the Manuhiri (kaiako Reuben Neely and our new Tawhai families) with a gentle wave to sit on the stage in front of the assembled kura. Mr Whiteman did a kōrero…
Kia ora e te whānau, Registration for touch, Year 1/2 netball, and floorball will open today at 12.30pm on Kindo. Please click on the link below if you wish to register your tamariki. https://shop.tgcl.co.nz/shop/index.html Thank you, Renee Saul Sports coordinator
Kia ora e te whānau, Our wonderful PTSG Committee will be holding their monthly hui at 7.00pm in the staffroom on Wednesday 7th February. If any of our Tawhai Whānau have some spare time, and would like to help this wonderful group, please come along. You will be very warmly welcome! The PTSG A.G.M will…
Kia ora e te whānau, It was so lovely to see our tamariki enjoying their Monday at the kura today, especially as the sun was out too! Here are a few fly-on-the-wall captures that the resident kaiwhakaahua managed to get during the day!
Scholastic Lucky Book Club Brochures for Lucky Book Club Issue 1 have been distributed to the classrooms. The closing date is the 28th of February 2024. Please have your orders in on time as no late orders will be accepted. You may order online at scholastic.co.nz/LOOP or return the order form with cash in an…
Kia ora e te whānau, Although we have had some very kind whānau step forward to assist with road patrol supervision, unfortunately we still need quite a few more helpers. We have newly trained patrollers. If you can spare a small amount of time, it will be very much appreciated. The morning duties are from…
Kia ora e te whānau Welcome back! We hope you had a fantastic holiday filled with joy and memorable moments. As we start the new year, we’re excited to have our Tawhai School community back together. Our dedicated kaiako have been hard at work over the few weeks. As well as preparing the year ahead,…
Kia ora e te whānau, A big thank you to those who have come forward again to help with rooad patrol supervision but we are needing quite a few more whanau/parents. The morning duties are from 8.20am-9.10am and the afternoons are from 2.40-3.10pm. This is both front and back gate. If you can help, could…
Welcome back! We hope you had a fantastic holiday filled with joy and memorable moments. As we start the new year, we’re excited to have our Tawhai School community back together. Our dedicated kaiako have been hard at work, preparing for a year the year ahead.They are eager to welcome ākonga back into the classrooms…
Kia ora e te whānau, We are needing whanau/parents to help with road patrol supervision in 2024, starting in Term 1. The morning duties are from 8.20am-9.10am and the afternoons are from 2.40-3.10pm. This is both front and back gate. This is an early call for help as there will be quite a few slots…
Kia ora e te whānau, We are needing whanau/parents to help with road patrol supervision in 2024, starting in Term 1. The morning duties are from 8.20am-9.10am and the afternoons are from 2.40-3.10pm. This is both front and back gate. This is an early call for help as there will be quite a few slots…
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that as mentioned in previous communications, we are reviewing what information we are sharing with whānau and an initial part of that review is to stop using the Educa platform. As of 2024 we will be using our school management system Edge as the main platform for…
Kia ora e te whānau, The last few days our wonderful Year 6 Students have been lucky enough to get their beautiful blue leavers’ T-Shirts so they have been very busy getting as many signatures as possible on them! A HUGE thank you to Tawhai parent Kylie Pearce for organising this for them! So here…