Latest news

  • Whānau Readers Needed!

    Kia ora e te whānau, Thank you to those who have already come forward to be part of our `whānau reading programme. However we are still needing more volunteers to fill the spaces! You just need to come in once a week (or fortnight) and read with individual students who need some extra reading mileage,…

  • Sports Registrations For Term 2 Open Today

    Kia ora e te whānau, Sports Registrations have now opened up on Kindo for netball and tiniball/miniball for Term 2 Thank you Renee Saul Sports Coordinator

  • Fun at the Horoeka Street Reserve Family Day!

    Kia ora e te whānau, What a lovely day for the Horoeka Street Reserve to have their Family Day! Mrs Boese with the help of Miss Page, and Mrs Poole manned the Tawhai Stall with a variety of yummy treat items plus plants, seeds, etc to raise funds for enviroschools. Lovely to catch up with…

  • Term 1 Week 6 Newsletter 2024

    Kia ora e te whānau, Here is our Kura newsletter for week 6 of the first term with quite a few dates to pop in the diary! The events taking place will also be posted on the events calendar on the website:

  • Our PTSG Committee for 2024

    Kia ora e te whānau, Our wonderful PTSG Committee for this year is as follows: Alice Hurdle Chairperson Naomi Brydon Secretary Karen Wiggins Treasurer Lynley Poole Staff Representative Renee Saul Parent Representative Fran Berridge Parent Representative Nicole Te Hiini Parent Representative Mel Boyd Parent Representative Stephanie Barnden Parent Representative Bex Morgan  Parent Representative Krstina Hendrie…

  • Horoeka Scenic Reserve Family Day

    Kia ora e te whānau, The Hutt City Council and the Friends of Horoeka Scenic Reserve are hosting a Family Day at the Horoeka Scenic Reserve. When: Sunday 10 March, 11.00am – 3.00pm (postponement date 17 March) Where: In the Entrance Area, at 17 Horoeka Street, Stokes Valley What to bring: Walking shoes, sunhat and…

  • Movin’ March Starts Today!

    Kia e te whānau, Today marked the first day of our Movin’ March Month! Zeek and Eli were our two wonderful rangatira giving out the cards to all the tamariki who either walked, biked, or scootered to school!

  • PTSG A.G.M & Hui This coming Wednesday

    Kia ora e te whānau, Our wonderful PTSG Committee will be holding their annual A.G.M at 6.30pm in the staffroom on Wednesday 6th March followed by their monthly hui at 7.00pm. All very cordially welcome!

  • Tawhai Kura 2023 Now Available to View Online!

    Kia ora e te whānau, For the last 6 years, there has been a yearly publication of what our wonderful tamariki do during the school year  made through the Snapfish website! The 2023 book has now been printed and available to view in the Office, along with the other years! They are on a shelf…

  • Upcoming Walkathon March 13th

    Kia ora e te whānau, The tamariki will have brought home their sponsorship forms either yesterday (or later today) plus a covering letter with all the information about the upcoming walkathon event.  This will be taking place on Wednesday 13th March starting at 9.15am. (postponement day 14th March) If anyone would like to help out…

  • Movin’ March

    Movin’ March is coming! (4-31 March) We are proud to be a Movin’ March school and next week we are looking forward to seeing whānau and students walking or wheeling to or from school. Walking, biking and scooting is a great way to improve well-being, make connections, build confidence, and it’s also kinder on the…

  • Learning Conversations Reminder

    Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that we will be having learning conversations today Monday 26th and tomorrow Tuesday the 27th of February). Please make sure you book a time slot to meet with your child’s teacher by clicking on the following link and following the steps, alternatively, contact Kelly on 045636329 to…

  • Whānau Readers Needed

    Kia ora e te whānau, We are looking for volunteers to come and be part of our whānau reading programme. You just need to come in once a week (or fortnight) and read with individual students who need some extra reading mileage, No particular skills needed, just a love of reading and willingness to help…

  • LEARNING CONVERSATIONS 26th & 27th February

    Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that we will be having learning conversations next week (Monday 26th and Tuesday the 27th of February). Please make sure you book a time slot to meet with your child’s teacher by clicking on the following link and following the steps, alternatively, contact Kelly on 045636329 to…

  • Upcoming Walkathon

    Kia ora e te whānau, To coincide with Movin’ March, our wonderful PTSG Committee have organised the annual kura Walkathon which will take place on Wednesday 13th March. The tamariki will be given sponsorship forms to take home very soon. Nearer the time, more information will be posted on this page and the Kura website…

  • Lunchtime Lego!

    Kia ora e te whānau,It was lego time in the hall at lunchtime today! The tamariki looked so engaged and so creative!Ka pai tamariki. Such awesome creations! Thank you to Shelley Dalton for taking and sharing the photos she took!

  • Term 1 Week 4 News Update

    Kia ora e te whānau, To view the latest Tawhai Kura news, please click on the pdf document below:

  • Patrol Training

    Kia ora e te whānau, Just a few fly-on-the-wall captures of our wonderful Year 6 ākonga receiving ongoing training and support from Officer Blue from the Hutt Valley Police this morning! Ka pai Tamariki,

  • LEARNING CONVERSATIONS 26th & 27th February

    We will be having learning conversations in week 5 (Monday 26th and Tuesday the 27th of February).  Please make sure you book a time slot to meet with your child’s teacher by clicking on the following link and following the steps, alternatively, contact Kelly on 045636329 to make a booking; The code is g55rb The…

  • Sandpit Fun!

    Kia ora e te whānau, The sandpit was the place to be on Wednesday. It was lovely to see so many senior ākonga as well as the younger tamariki getting in there, whether it was to make sandcastles, digging, making mountains or mole hills, or getting buried! It was such fun! A HUGE paki paki…