Term 4 Week 7 News Update
Kia ora e te whānau, To view the latest Tawhai Kura news, please click on the pdf document below:
Kia ora e te whānau, To view the latest Tawhai Kura news, please click on the pdf document below:
Hi, my name is Liam, I am a Year 6 student at Tawhai School. I am organising a Diabetes Blue Day. Money raised will go to Diabetes New Zealand and will support the funding of insulin pumps and other cool stuff including camps and technology to help people. I would like to help people know…
kIa ora e te whānau, TodaySunday (17th November) and tomorrow is the last chance to order calendars and other items from KidsArtworks! The Kidsart Website will be closing off orders TOMORROW 18TH NOVEMBER AT 11.30PM. The deadline will NOT be extended as it takes 2-3 weeks to process orders, and we are getting very close…
Kia ora e te whānau, The PTSG will be organising a sausage sizzle next Friday 22nd November. $3 EACH OR 2 FOR $5 To order them please use the link for kindo below: https://shop.tgcl.co.nz/app/login Kindo will be open during Nov 16 – 21 (at 9 am) PTSG Committee
Kia ora e te whānau, Over the last few days your tamariki will have come home with a calendar notice which includes their name & own unique code at the bottom of the page so that the whānau can view their tamriki’s artwork online. It will also include what’s on offer and prices. The site…
Kia ora e te whānau, To view the Tawhai Kura Newsletter and introduction to our new Learning Support Coordinator, please click on the pdf documents below.
Kia ora e te whānau, Either today or in the next couple of days, your tamariki will be sent home with a calendar notice which includes their name & own unique code at the bottom of the page so that the whānau can view their tamriki’s artwork online. It will also include what’s on offer…
Kia ora e te whānau, Here are some photos of our wonderful Kapa Haka Group performing in the Upper Hutt Cultural Festival at Harcourt Park yesterday afternoon! You did yourselves, your whānau, and the kura proud! We are so glad that the rain held off! Many thanks to Mr Whiteman and Miss Page for organising…
Tawhai School had a fantastic showing at the Northern Zone athletics, with 40 of our students taking part across a range of events, including sprints, quoits, vortex, long jump, and high jump. We are proud to share that several of our athletes performed really well, showcasing their hard work and talent. As soon as we…
We have been practicing our athletics events for the last 2 weeks. The events we are doing are high jump, long jump, vortex, quoits and sprints. On Monday 4th November we will have our Athletics event. The children will participate in their year groups in each event between 9.30am and 11am. They will then have…
Kia ora e te whānau, On Monday 4th November we will be having our mihi whakatau for term 4. This is an opportunity for our school to welcome any new students and their whānau to Tawhai school. Any new whānau are welcome to attend this Friday (anyone who has started at Tawhai school in terms…
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that school photos will be taking place at school starting tomorrow 1st November! The pdf docuement below shows the timetable of when the classes are having their session. The photos do need to be prepaid as our photographer takes her time getting the perfect portrait for your…
Kia ora e te whānau, Just a reminder that our kaiako will be having a teacher only day tomorrow therefore the Kura will be closed until Tuesday 29th October ( Labour Day Monday 28th October) Thank you!
Kia ora e te whānau, We were very fortunate in having a dry but overcast day for the annual Year 4-6 Athletics and that the tamariki didn’t get too overheated whilst competing during the morning. There were 6 rotations comprising of: sprints, long jump, high jump, quiots, vortex, and the added fun of gumboot throwing!…
Kia ora e te whānau, This term the tamariki have been busy doing some great artwork in the classroom for the PTSG Calendar Fundraiser which is done through Kidsartworks. Once the artwork has been sent back to the company and loaded up on the website the tamariki will be given a calendar notice to take…
Kia ora e te whānau, Our Year 4-6 ākonga will be having their annual athletics event next week. This will take place on Wednesday 23rd October from 9.00am-1.00pm. There will be age group rotations so there are no specific times for events. Whānau are very welcome to attend! Ryan McGarry
Kia ora e te whānau, To view the latest Tawhai Kura news, please click on the pdf document below:
kia ora e te whānau, The PTSG will holding their monthly hui in the staffroom at 7.30pm on Wednesday 16th October. All very cordially welcomed!
Kia ora e te whānau, There are still a few available slots to fill in some of the touch rugby teams for Term 4. If you tamariki would like to be in a team, please click on the Kindo link below to register: https://shop.tgcl.co.nz/app/login Thank you!
Kia ora e te whānau, What an amazing and talented group of tamariki we have at Tawahi Kura! They absolutely did themselves, their whānau, and their kura proud with their wonderful acting, singing, & dancing; from the lead actors all the way down to the chorus! The audience in all 3 shows saw the nursery…