Tawhai School Matariki Celebration 2024

21st May 2024

Kia Ora e te whānau

This year (with input from our Whānau group) we are going to look at a different way to celebrate Matariki as a school and community.

There will be more information coming out over the course of the term but this initial notice is so that you can book this date into your diaries and also help us in preparation for this big event.

This year we would like to invite our tamariki and their whānau, to Tawhai School’s Matariki celebration and breakfast.

Thursday 27th June 2024


Theme – Celebrating a Matariki experience together as a Community

In order for this to be a success we are asking our amazing community for the following so that we can start planning this amazing experience:

We need –

Glass jars (jam jars etc) so that each child can decorate and make a Matariki Lantern for the day.

Parent helpers to help with set up, breakfast and other things (morning only)

Anyone that could come in and run an activity for our 2 rotations during the day (x2 one hour slots) – this could be weaving/cooking or any skill that you have that you could offer for us on the day.

9 braziers (to represent each of the 9 stars) and some firewood to have burning on the field in the morning.

Please contact Dave Whiteman in Room1 or email dave@tawhai.school.nz if you are able to help in any way

Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori

Dave Whiteman