Tawhai School Cross Country

10th May 2024

Kia ora e te whānau,

Despite the inclement weather which meant a bit of jiggling and juggling of races, the annual Tawhai Kura Cross Country went very well!

Our most senior ākonga in the Ngahere Hub started the ball rolling with their races yesterday morning, the Kopara Hub in the afternoon, and our youngest tamariki had their race early this morning on a very crisp but sunny day!

Everyone from youngest to oldest gave 110% percent. Well done to everyone who took part! It was lovely to see tamariki on the sidelines giving so much support to those who were racing and to those who were racing themselves to support those who might have fallen over on the track.

A BIG thank you to Lloyd for all his hard work and effort in preparing the course, and the kaiako for carrying out the range of duties during the races.

A HUGE paki paki for Mr McGarry who organised the event and the many hours that he put in to making sure everything ran so smoothly despite the weather!

Thank you to our wonderful Tawhai Whānau who could come along to cheer on their tamariki and others too!

Congratulations to the senior ākonga who have qualified to go into the Northern Zone Event. They will be receiving their notification from Mr McGarry in due course!