Kia ora o te whānau,
Despite the wintery conditions, the remaining cross country races were completed after morning tea today, the Year 4, 5, and 6 ākonga and our gorgeous Year 1 tamariki!
What amazing resilience, fortitude, & stamina everyone showed when they ran their races and having to battle the elements too! (this includes the Year 2 & 3 races completed yesterday). Everyone literally gave it their all, and not only did they do themselves and their whānau proud, but their kura as well!
Thank you as always to our wonderful caretake Lloyd for getting the course up and ready for both days.
A HUGE thank you to Kaiako, Mr McGary for many hours of thoughtful planning and organisation of this much anticipated event!
Our Sports Tu Rangatira, Maddox, Ben, Van, Joel, and Hunter did an absolutely stirling job, assisting Mr McGarry and running the course with the younger tamariki. Maddox still managed to go around several times today after his race!
It was very heartwarming to see those ākonga who had run their race, go around again with those who needed support and to see some who had lapped others, give them a reasurring pat on the back as they went past!
Lastly an almighty thanks to our wonderful Tawhai whānau who were able to come along, not only to support their tamariki but to cheer on all the other children running too!
Congratulations to those who will be going through to compete in the Northern Zone event on May 30th. They will receive a notice to go home with in due course!
The resident whakaahau has taken massive amounts of photos but hopefully will try and get albums out of year levels in the next day or two! This will go out in a later posting!