NZEI Primary Teachers Union are holding their paid union meeting for all primary schools across the Hutt Valley on Monday 27 February. As a condition of their employment contract with the government, primary teachers have an entitlement to attend paid union meetings. The purpose of the upcoming meeting will be an opportunity for kaiako (teachers) to discuss and vote on the collective agreement and corresponding offer that is on the table from the government.
It will be school as usual on Monday morning (27 February) for all students and at 1pm the bell will signal the end of learning for the day to allow kaiako to attend this important meeting. We request that you make arrangements for your child to be collected or have them make their way home from school, as per usual at 1pm.
On Monday 27 February, at 1pm, should you/another adult be unable to have your child/children collected, we will have a very limited number of staff onsite to supervise students until 3pm. The collection point for these students will be confirmed once we have numbers. Please register your child/children who require supervision Via google form here. All students who require supervision will need to be registered, via the google form, by the end of today
Thank you for your support.