Dog Handling Sessions ( Part 2)

22nd June 2023

Kia or o te whānau,

Today Tawhai Kura welcomed back Virginia Van Dooren, who is an Animal Control Officer from Hutt City Council to facilitate dog handling sessions with the remaining classes, Rooms 2,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9a, 10, and 11! With her was Toastie, a beautiful golden retriever who came with her owner, Lynne.

Assisted by helpers across the 3 sessions, Virginia talked to tamariki about certain scenarios involving dogs, using photos, role play, and she also shared a short movie clip which caught the attention of the tamariki with its catchy rap rhymes and the abiding message of, ‘if a dog is on its own, leave it alone!” It was a very informative sessions.
Afterwards the ākonga were given the opportunity if they wanted, to come up and pat Toastie, after asking Lynne for permission.

She was proudly wearing a Canine Friends bandana around her neck which means that she has been trained to visit schools and hospitals.

The tamariki were so delighted to have the opportunity to not only pat Toastie but to see the little tricks she could do!

At the end of the session, the tamariki came away with the firm message:

Everyone who attended the session was given a wristband, a participation certificate, and a booklet with important dog handling tips to take home from their class teacher!

Here are some of the tips from the booklet:
Check it’s sweet -before you meet! Before going up to a dog ask permission from its owner.
If a dog runs towards you- be calm and stay still!
If you are lying down or a dog knocks you over- be calm and curl up like a turtle.
To understand, they sniff your hand! When meeting a dog, let it sniff the back your hand.
Chin or chest -that is the best! After permission is given, stroke only the dog’s chin or chest and remember to be gentle.
If a dog has a snack- keep well back!
Keep your face -out of their space! Never kiss or put your hand close to a dog’s face.
Don’t run and shout – it freaks us out!
A dog’s not a toy -don’t tease or annoy!

A HUGE thank you to Virginia, Lynne, and Toastie for coming along to talk to the tamariki.

Here are 3 albums of photos of the three sessions that took place today!


