A Very Special Dance!

2nd June 2023

Tālofa lava,
The highlight of Vaiaso o le Gagana Sāmoa, Sāmoa Language Week had to be not only a visit from the wonderful Sione families to the kura, but for the whole kura to come together in a special assembly to see a beautiful Samoan dance performed by Lina, sister Vera, and cousin Hazel, with brother Amasi and Levi proudly holding the Samoan flags as the girls danced! Their father, Daniel also entertained the tamaiti with his wonderful warmups and sang a beautiful song along with his family before the dancing began!
Our tamaiti thanked the family by singing their special kura waiata and doing a very stirring haka!
(There will be some video clips in the next posting, thank you to Fiona Burney!)
A HUGE thank you to the Siones for taking the time to come along and share your culture and your talents with our delighted tamaiti and teachers!
As there are ongoing wee projects highlighting Samoan week, an album will go out next week showcasing various activities, artwork, cooking etc.
Here is an album of photos plus 2 videos!
