It’s all about being prepared.
Emergency Preparedness
Tawhai School is a designated Civil Defence Centre. We have prepared pupils, staff and the school community so that we are ready as can reasonably be expected, for a disaster as described in the Civil Defence Act 1983.
We are prepared to care for all children in times of critical situations. If parents are unable to reach the school, we will care for their child here. No student will be dismissed from school unless a parent or individual designated by a parent, comes for him/her. We have people with first aid certificates, and we will be in communication with various local emergency services.

We do ask for parents’ help in the following areas:
- Please do not telephone the school – we must have the lines open for emergency calls.
- Following an earthquake or other emergency, do not immediately drive to the school – streets and access to our school may be cluttered with debris. The school access route and street entrance area must remain clear for emergency vehicles.
- Do turn your radio to 2ZB (1035 mh). Information and directions about the extent of the emergency will be given over the radio.
If parents are not aware of the school’s emergency plans, they are likely to risk their own safety and impede the operation of the school’s response plan to retrieve their children. A plan for communicating with parents before and after an emergency is critical. It may not eliminate the problem, but it will help to reduce congestion, confusion and anxiety.

No student will be dismissed from school unless a parent or individual designated by a parent, comes for him/her.
Related links
Refer to school docs for emergency policies