Mihi Whakatau, Term 1 2024
Kia ora e te whānau,
What a beautiful day to have our first Mihi Whakatau for the year! Our Senior ākonga Frankie and Thea welcomed the Manuhiri (kaiako Reuben Neely and our new Tawhai families) with a gentle wave to sit on the stage in front of the assembled kura.
Mr Whiteman did a kōrero on behalf of the Tāngata Whenua (hosts) and Matua Reuben spoke on behalf of the Manuhiri.
The whole school sang Haere mai and Pūrerehua and the Manuhuri replied with Te Aroha.
Instead of a hongi, it was a bumping of elbows between the Manuhuri and the Tāganta Whenua.
Tumuaki Mrs Poole after giving her mihi, warmly welcomed our new families and Matua Reuben.
To conclude the Mihi Whakatau, the whole school sang the Tawhai School waiata and then it was off to the staffroom for our families to enjoy some kai and a drink and friendly conversation!
The resident kaiwhakaahua would like to warmly thank her wonderful assistant Cassie Treadwell who stepped in to help with some of the photography! Cassie’s photos are the first ones followed by a few from the kaiwhakaahua. More on the website!