Kia ora e te whānau,
What a beautiful day for Tawhai Kura to hold their second Mihi Whakatau for the year!
The whole kura assembled under the whakaruruhau to welcome the Manuhiri ( visitors) which also included kaiako Anna O’Dea.
Everyone stood for the karakia, Tiro Atu and then the whole school sang the waiata, Haere Mai.
Mr Whiteman did a waikōrero on behalf of the Tāngata Whenua (hosts) after which a waiata Tuatako, Purerehua was sung.
Matua Reuben did a whaikōrero on behalf of the Manuhiri and he and the Manuhiri then stood up and sang Te Aroha.
Led by Matua Reuben the Manuhiri harirū (shook hands) or bumped elbows with the Tāngata Whenua.
Temuaka Mrs Poole after giving her mihi, warmly welcomed our newest whānau and Whea Anna to Tawhai.
The Mihi Whakatau concluded with the Tawhai Kura school song.
Afterwards the Manuhuri gathered together in the staffroom to hear Austin give a karakia and then enjoyed some kai and fellowship.