The Sweet Smell of Success of the Bake Sale!

23rd June 2023

Kia ora o te whānau,
What an amazing array of cakes, slices, biscuits and sweet treats turned up at the kura this morning of the camp fundaising bake sale!
The tables in the hall were absolutely groaning all thanks to the generosity of the whānau of the tamariki who will be going away to camp later on this year!
Under the organisation of Miss Page & Mrs Johnston, Room’s 14 and 15 either took on the task of selling the items or were allocated younger tamariki(class by class) to assist them when they walked around the various tables. Some of the tamariki had no trouble choosing and others seemed a little overwhelmed by the choice of cakes and slices!
There was a mini bake sale straight after school as there was quite a bit leftover.
This very worthwhile venture brought in ( a BIG drum role is needere here!) a fantastic $1,300! What an amazing amount!
Thank you to Miss Page & Mrs Johnston and your tamariki for organising the bake sale.
A HUGE thank you to the Ngahere Hub whānau for your very generous donations! It is so much appreciated!
There will be a fly-on-the-wall album of of photos taken during the bake sale!
