Fun at Footsteps

11th August 2023

Kia ora e te whānau,
Our tamariki have just completed their third week of ‘Footsteps’. Footsteps Dance is a company which specialises in curriculum-based movement programmes for students aged 5-15 years old. During Term 3 we have a focus on the Arts across the kura which will include experiencing different forms of art, and dancing is one of them.
Every Wednesday all the ākonga across the kura come together in the hall grouped into 2-4 classes, to learn new routines using the 5 elements of dance which are space, time, energy, relationships, body awareness and how they are used. Harika the tutor gives the Tamariki such clear and easy to follow instructions that they remember them for the next session that they have.
Our Tamariki look forward to these sessions and even our shyest of children or those who don’t particularly enjoy dancing find themselves warming to the routines and by the end of their time with Harika, they have big smiles on their faces!
Here are some captures from the last three weeks of all the groups taking part in the sessions!