Values Assembly

30th June 2023

Kia ora e te whānau,
Early this morning our Tawhai Kura came together under the whakaruruhau to celebrate a special Values assembly. This is to acknowledge those students who consistently show their best Tawhai kura values. The teachers selected one child from their class and the chosen student was presented with a special T-shirt and a values certificate.
We also warmly welcomed Tawhai whānau of the tamariki receiving these special awards!
Our co-presenters for the assembly were Tu Rangatira, Miles and Liam who did an amazing job coordinating the items.
After singing the National Anthem, it was straight onto the presentation of the T Shirts. Kaiako Mr Syph read out the lovely words written on the certificates of each recipient, whilst Miles & Liam presented them with both the certificate and T Shirt and Acting Tumuaki, Mrs Boese shook their hands. Liam proudly accepted his sister’s award on her behalf!
It was very heartwarming so see two sets of siblings receiving awards!
Many congratulations to our worthy award winners!
After singing the Tawhai Kura song, there was another set of certificates to hand out, the Principal awards!
Ka pai to all those who received awards!
Mrs Boese acknowledged our 3 wonderful tamariki who, instead of enjoying all the treats of yesterday, were taking part in the gruelling Regional Cross Country Event in Masterton and all did very well. Separate posting to follow in due course!
Lastly we had to farewell one of our ākonga, James from Room 5. He was given a heartfelt haka by our kapa haka group, with his kaiako, Matua Jake standing alongside him!
Thank you to the Tawhai Kura whānau who could come along to the assembly to see your tamariki receive their special award.
A BIG thank you to Deb Barnden & Cleo Syph for organising the Values T Shirts.